Monday, June 27, 2011

New Beginnings

After being woken up with an irritating woman from my car insurance on the other end at 8:30 am my day went down hill fast. By mid-day I found my self crawling into bed tears creeping up and no matter how many breaths I took none of them retracted the tears. Then a few more calls with not so great news and this time determination. I guess all the pregnancy hormones got released with the first round. I realized that my life plan was no longer in play and the more I tried to hold on to my past hopes and dreams the more pain I was causing myself. Geez and here I was hopping for some help keeping the dream alive.

So life changes what I thought I was going to be doing on my 23rd birthday is def not happening. This will officially be my last birthday as a young lady. WOWZER I feel the need to rewind and repeat last birthday as a young lady....So what will I be A YOUNG MOTHER yep yep thats right. So outside of hoping Eli stays in the oven until the next day (or the day b4 my birthday i'm still kinda selfish with my birthday) my birthday wish list includes
1. a sewing machine (so i can learn to sew cloths for Eli and Me)
2. a babymoon to the beach
3. alot of ice cream and chocolate
 Not alot right exactly my point.

I digress back to the subject I started a new facebook account cuz i don't really like having 1000+ ppl who i knew in high school middle school and college but don't really talk 2 all in my business plus I want something more personal. And hey why not.  Started a new 5yr plan cuz this last one is def not working out for obvious reasons. So now i gotta put on my big girl pants and roll with the punches instead of being pulled along.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Full Term 2morrow 37 weeks

I'm so giddy I will be full term tomorrow AWSOME.... i can't believe the journey I have been through. The human body is indeed a beautiful thing. I keep staring at my stomach like so your really in there and like growing. I mean first i can't imagine how he manages to fit and move and live and feed seriously amazing....if i didn't believe in God this alone would do the deed. Second i don't understand how my body will shrink back in just a couple of weeks what took months to grow. This is neither here nor there i guess one of the great mysteries science can slightly address but not create.

Tomorrow I have my Lamaze class so thats exciting right...!!!!! will take pics hopefully can upload everything tomorrow so many pictures so little time. I keep procrastinating on doing this and the pictures are piling up on me.

I am getting crazy excited about meeting my son.....(aww man this is jus crazy I am a mum i really can't even say it out loud without looking around) I'm feeling like is this even possible THIS is me we are talking about but everything happens for a reason and this must be my season for a blessing/ miracle 

Thursday, June 23, 2011


So Chuck the father is coming for the birth and i'm really excited about this. I didn't think i would be but i feel as though it will be good for him. I can't wait to experience childbirth its a coming into womanhood( like periods weren't enough). My new found respect for mothers around the world has been growing with each passing week. Realizing that this is the common mold that holds us together as women.  Its like I'm joining an exclusive group and birthing is the only way to join. I feel a pain when I think of women who can't conceive, almost as though mother nature robbed them of something special. I can't even pretend to understand the pain they must feel.

I didn't think I could be this excited to meet a stranger... except his not really a stranger since I've been carrying him around for the last 9 months. Don't know how its going to be when his born probably miss him kicking me and hiccuping.  To think that this just happened... everything happens for a reason and I thank God for trusting me at such a young age with something so precious. Even though it wasn't expected and def not in my plan I wouldn't change anything about it. I've learned how to trust myself and care for someone else more than my life, which is still a mystery to me. I can understand my mums love for me better now....when they say that unconditional love its no joke. My mum is the best there is (thats probably what every woman says after they have a child) but she really is a GREAT person who has accomplished so much with so little. In the future if i can give her half the world she has given me this last twenty something years I would be happy.

Done with my rants for tonight....I'll try and upload some pictures of my pregnancy  and baby stuff soon

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Starting a New Journey

Well i never thought I would be a single mum but in about a month I will welcome my little Monkey into the world. Why monkey.... because while in the oven his favorite activity was rolling around and stretching. He probably thought there was more room hidden somewhere lol....nope that all the room there was for the stay in mummy's belly hotel. It has been an interesting 9 months and I can't wait to meet him. I would like to thank my mum and my family for being with me and supporting me throughout this journey.