Friday, August 12, 2011

Pregnancy vs. Baby

So on those sleepless night that happen quite often nowadays  wonder which was better being pregnant and uncomfortable or comfortable but no sleep. Oh I remember those nights I would wake up with pain and with the baby would just pop out. The back pain the round ligament pain...the tossing and turning....the list goes on and on. But I got sleep.

Now there never seems to be enough hours in the day to sleep and get everything done. Right when I lay down he is up and when he is down I'm up. My to do list never seems to end only grow. between school and housework my day is packed. At this hour of the night when no one needs to be awake....even the monsters under the bed are asleep pregnancy pain seems like a breeze.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

5 weeks Mummy

I can't believe it has already been 5 weeks since Baby Eli came into this world. I feel like it was just yesterday....well most of the time....those long nights make it feel like it was ages ago. He has grown so much and has started outgrowing his newborn cloths and the smaller 0-3 months. guess it will be shopping time again :). FYI I love having a boy....most of my cousins are girls so I have always done the whole girly thing. Having a boy is like a whole new fun for me. I want everything I see and wanna play dress up with him ( poor boy lol I find every and any reason to change his cloths at least once a day). Yes my laundry pile is ridic.

I love him every part of him even the poopy diapers. I hated changing poopy diapers always found a way to get away without changing them. When I saw that face it was time to hand the baby to someone else. But somehow crazy thing called motherhood has me looking forward to changing those poopy diapers. YES I can't wait to change them its like a this feeling of accomplishment. He is eating right and having a bowl movement so I'm doing it right.

Eli has changed so much its exciting I wait and see if I can point out who he looks like everyday. Me my Mum his dad his grandpa oh the list is endless. 

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